Despite the lofty visions and aspirations reflected in both Morrill Acts, the land grant university system showed signs of foundering toward the close of the 19th century.
Dynamic Lord Curzon, viceroy from 1899 to 1905, was driven by a lofty imperial vision of the British role in India.
The company also has lofty visions of international growth, particularly in Latin America, for Mr. Coffee and First Alert products.
Bernard's lofty vision and sense of responsibility to his race are undercut by moodiness and no small amount of self-indulgence and sexism.
All are carried out in the names of some lofty visions.
He, Kiyo Min-Orota, shared his lofty vision of the future and was happy to risk his own life to help make that vision a reality.
The only thing left to complete the lofty vision he has carried for more than 30 years is to make the Knicks actually look like a Larry Brown team.
But how would irascible Yahweh measure up to these other lofty visions?
She seems to have a lofty vision of what her book, the first of five (the next is due in November) can contribute.
Miss Wilson brings to Weill a lofty, compassionate vision of the human comedy.