The lofty figure of Harruel's son stood in the doorway.
Since only three hybrid cars are currently available, reaching those lofty figures will require new varieties of hybrids - and they are certainly on the way.
Bilbao nowadays is a collage created by some of the loftiest figures of international avant-garde architecture.
No more than ten chairs were in use, but lofty figures stood at the sides of the seating area, and behind it.
No real man could be aroused by a lofty, lanky figure the likes of yours.
It needs a lofty figure to define and defend the basic rules of the game.
She seemed to raise her head from the little burden she carried and to gaze up at the lofty figure who strode mechanically beside her; but there was no answer.
I should not contest even so lofty a figure as that.
Those lofty figures, the directors, got ambitious.
This Colter began to loom up in Ellen's estimate as he loomed physically over her, a lofty figure, dark motionless, somehow menacing.