Since the project was begun two decades ago, planners have been making lofty claims about the number of people who would pass through the station.
The Colt Company advertised its car as a "Mile a Minute" roadster, a lofty claim in the early days of automobiles.
Many people in the sailing business, though, find Mr. Johnstone's brashness and lofty claims a bit much.
Instead, Migration Watch UK, despite its lofty claims, is working to further polarise it".
This lofty claim occasioned some derision from us as the hike began, but as we proceeded, we shut up.
You can make such lofty claims, fanatic fisherman?
The program, like the marketplace, proves a forum for lofty claims and marketing mumbo jumbo.
Even better, unlike most other beauty products with lofty claims, there's proof that they work.
A century ago, natural mineral-water spas were a booming business here, with lofty claims of miracle cures.
Nothing else could justify the lofty claims and Yorka's promotion.