The others, halted in their flight, turned and watched the gray-beard as he scampered quickly off amongst the loftiest branches of the great trees, and Tarzan waited.
He looked up at the lofty branches lovingly.
Instead it galvanized her into instant action with the result that Pan-at-lee swarmed up the nearest tree to the very loftiest branch that would sustain her weight.
Nkima clung to the loftiest branch that would support his weight and shivered from cold and terror throughout the long night.
The Shadow, swinging from his lofty branch, was powerless to stop the fleeing killer.
When we were "It," Broken-Tooth always ran out to the end of a lofty branch in a certain tree.
My branches lofty are taking root.
Tendrils of moss draped from the loftiest branches, while vines and brambles fought for control around the mighty trunks.
How the great, brown-green pines seemed to bend their lofty branches over her, protectively, understandingly.
On either side there were tall, straight pines with lofty branches admitting shafts of sunlight, while oaks and graceful birches dappled the path with shade.