Yellow eyes tracked the car, locking onto the target like a heat-seeking missile.
He tried locking onto the nearest target, but the computer refused to accept the command.
For the Intruders to get close enough to lock onto the right target, they would have to be hidden in plain view.
These radars are sometimes used to examine targets, but they must lock onto the target before attacking, and thus provide a major warning sign.
They lock onto the new target and fire, the laser blast splitting the body cleanly down the middle.
The antiaircraft missile missed, plunging into the sea without ever locking onto the target.
When you look in that direction, the earpiece registers your head movement and locks the firing system onto the target.
They locked onto the target, activated their launchers, and waited for the range to close.
They locked onto the target and roared into a counterattack.
That would be her only way to orient once the gloves stopped inertial and locked onto the target.