The city was considered as a permanent capital for the new country, but the southern states favored a location south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
A former dovecote, moved from the Spanish Courtyard to a location south of the house, has been converted into a fountain.
No. 11 Pit - little is know of this pit other than its location south of the above pits.
This came to be called the Southern Court because its seat was in a location south of its rival.
The name was given to a new riding formed in its original location south of Steeles.
In 1724, the mission was moved to its current location south of the springs, at what is now known as Alamo Plaza.
During construction the memorial was moved to a location south of the Reichstag next to the Tiergarten.
It was therefore descriptive of the village's location south of Schüttorf.
Even at the time, the location south of Westchester Square was an odd choice.
Southern Yavne) due to its location south of the town.