The Center's location within the beautiful city park lends itself to a variety of multicultural festivals, celebrations and family outings.
The location of the city has lent it to numerous plunders, that have resulted in damage to its shrines at different times in history.
Ohai's rural location lends itself well to many outdoor pursuits.
Its location at the lowest place in the village lends weight to this story.
The location lends itself to that idea.
This location lends itself to calm weather and provides a guarantee that obstructions will never be placed on the river side.
It was not particularly large (25 to 30 houses), its location lent itself poorly to defense, and only some of the houses were fortified.
Paul Smith's rural location lends itself to many campus based activities.
"Its location lends itself to becoming a specialty building."
It then moved to an upper floor space on Clarence St. These locations lent themselves well to the shop's name.