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The local purchase office had one of the most interesting jobs driving all over the Island, which was a shoppers' paradise, trying to locate stores.
The families pay for extensive government surveys to locate potential stores of water beneath the earth.
The same data now helps the retailer in locating new stores.
To make his model work, he emphasized logistics, particularly locating stores within a day's drive proximity to Wal-Mart's regional warehouses, and distributed through its own trucking service.
Few major supermarket chains locate stores in minority neighborhoods.
And Wal-Mart has encountered growing resistance to locating new stores in urban areas.
A little time ago he found what may be a guide to locate several different stores, but that was guess- ing.
The Eskimo train dogs to locate stores of roots that have been cached by mice.
It has found advantages in locating new stores near colleges and ethnic restaurants.
In locating new stores, Dollar Tree tries to find space near a Wal-Mart or Target or a popular supermarket.