There is a charge for requesting assistance from the librarians for locating materials.
For locating genealogical materials in the Library's online catalog.
Union catalogs are useful to librarians, as they assist in locating and requesting materials from other libraries through interlibrary loan service.
Wouldn't matter that he knew nothing about it; if pupil wanted it, he would smile and set a price, locate materials, stay a few lessons ahead.
Five cranes run along parallel tracks; one is activated and locates materials using bar codes.
The librarian may also be responsible for locating and obtaining perusal materials (scores and/or recordings for study).
How can I locate materials on MedlinePlus that are easy to read and what is their reading level?
The library web service helps students locate materials and resources for their individual course requirements.
Magnetometers are instruments designed to locate ferrous materials.
An inventory control system is a process for managing and locating objects or materials.