One of the reasons for the shifting trends is attributed to the moving of film-making industry to Lahore, locally termed as Lollywood.
This locally termed as 'matriculation certificate' or 'matric' for short.
If she lived here, her parents couldn't be much better than what was locally termed "poor white trash."
"I know of the fungus locally termed witch moss, and its link to projective telepaths-but I never suspected anything on this scale."
However, shrimp can also be caught by the use of cast net, which is locally termed 'thukri'.
Fishermen use nylon gillnet, locally termed 'ruch', with a mesh of about 150 mm long.
It is also the primary outflow (locally termed spillway) of Pat Mayse Lake.
Tanks are locally termed 'Weva's (plural: Wew).
The objective of this exercise is said to be increasing the friendship among batch mates (locally termed as batch fit).
Main Street is locally termed "the strip," a characterization not favored by the Chamber of Commerce but which accurately suggests its increasingly commercial appearance.