The organization alleges the proposed development would pollute local wetlands and the region's watershed.
The area around the Retention Pond has been planted with local wetland and floodplain species.
The Spectacles are the local wetlands and are so named because of their appearance from the air.
The thatch, which is marsh reed harvested from local wetlands, is tied on to this.
It provides tips for organizing your community to monitor, conserve and restore local wetlands.
A legacy of serious environmental problems has beset the area from the time the canal arose from the local tidal wetlands and fresh water streams.
Work with a community group, youth group or school to identify a local wetland that could be restored to its natural condition.
A viewing platform and birding guide are available where the trail passes through a local wetland.
To participate, submit your favorite picture of local wetlands by January 20, 2012.
They are working to restore the local wetlands.