But the Senate blocked the legislation and simply said it would review the outcome of any nonbinding local vote.
Six candidates and four election workers have been killed in the period before the parliamentary and local vote.
Based on the history of the state, it doesn't seem likely that the local vote will be taken away.
The presence of Yeltsin's representatives helped bring out the local vote on his behalf in the 1996 presidential election.
Why not have a local vote on the issue?
New legislation will allow for a local vote on desegregation of individual areas.
Then, despite a local vote and promises that it would be kept open, the hall was demolished in May 2006.
The local votes counted are conclusive of the results.
In some districts the creation of boards was delayed by local vote.
Little Mix also have the crucial north/south appeal, with two members from each end of the country earning them the local vote.