The physical size of a local universe is not directly stated, but each is said to have up to 10 million inhabited worlds.
Now this is an interesting number, for by a curious coincidence there are approximately a hundred billion stars in our local universe, the Milky Way.
Three sleeptiines ago, no man in her local universe would have dared to touch her.
The huge engines were quantum refrigerators, sucking heat out of the local universe by computational cooling.
That way was an immersion in a local Romanian universe.
One of the main challenges to galaxy formation is the great number of thin disk galaxies in the local universe.
HTCondor also provides a "local universe" which allows jobs to run on the "submit host".
"The local universe is looking after us, but the tourism decline is still hitting us," he said.
In the local universe now, about one galaxy in 10 million has an active quasar at its center.
This gives us a multi-color picture of when and where all the stars in the local universe formed.