Kelly Leak, a local troublemaker, also joins the team, and the Bears start winning games.
To encourage reformation, certain adjunct theocratic committees may have attempted to ensure order and conformity by censuring local troublemakers.
Some of the local troublemakers were hit.
He sends a local troublemaker, Maudie (the Hon.) Mugsberry Thropple to search for the badger.
He and his cousin were known local troublemakers and they are said to have "entered local tradition".
"At this point both the bias unit and the detectives are investigating it," and think local "teen-age troublemakers," known in the precinct may be responsible, he said.
He said officers had bowed to pressure to bring charges against known local troublemakers after failing to produce convictions in other high-profile cases involving black youths.
Pen learned to move into a territory, find the local troublemakers, get them organized, and leave.
"A local troublemaker, that's all."
Philémon's early adventures had him as a young local troublemaker who is attacked one day by a crocodile in the river (in the middle of a typical European countryside).