The plan - dubbed the "Hilton Assignment" in an ironic reference to Libyan jails - was to spring 150 political prisoners from Tripoli jail as a catalyst for a general uprising; the mercenaries were to slip away quietly as the locals took over.
The current residents of Nailhouse Row, whom suspicious locals dubbed the Thunder Five soon after they took over the houses along the river, cannot so easily be categorized.
"The corporate world is taking over coffee, but locals are taking over tea."
The Diocese of Cumania disappeared for a while, as locals took over its property, but was revived in 1332-1334, when Pope John XXII appointed the Franciscan Vitus de Monteferro, the chaplain of King Carobert, as the new bishop.
Then the locals took over.
In most cases, locals eventually took over management of the facilities.
You didn't want to spend a couple hundred million dollars to set up an operation in a place like this if you were worried about the locals putting your managers to the spear and taking over.
We were there to keep some semblance of order-which basically meant killing insurgents who were trying to kill us or other civilians-until the locals could take over and handle it themselves.
He helped lay the groundwork, and then results improved when locals took over, first Richard Paez and now Cesar Farias.
In season, it can get obnoxiously loud and crowded, but locals take over at other times of the year, when it's a cool place to kick off the evening.