The indictment said that, to meet production and profit goals, Tyson officials would contact local smugglers near its plants to get more workers.
For the first part of his journey, a trek over the mountainous border into Turkey, he paid local smugglers $1,000.
However, it has served as a prison and a private home, as well as a refuge for local smugglers.
"My guess is it's just some local small-time smugglers trying to grab themselves a yacht."
Abandoned mines were later used and widened by local smugglers.
He also helped the clients make contact with local smugglers in northern Mexico.
She has entered into an agreement with a band of local smugglers to allow them use the farm's outhouses to store their merchandise.
It is said that he was in fact the leader of local smugglers and used the tomb to store contraband.
I'm not sure yet, but Andy has good connections with local smugglers.
He has good relations with the local smugglers.