Recreation opportunities include paddle boats, the Dennis the Menace Park (especially popular with small children), and a skate park designed by local skaters.
Until 1985, Ito was just a promising local skater, having yet to win even a national competition.
The local skaters took over the running of the skate club.
He worked hard, then and now, to be true to that scene, right down to hiring local skaters to work in the store.
There, local skaters gathered to shred Cab's backyard vert ramp and hang out.
At first he rode all types of terrain and built what most local skaters agreed on as the best half-pipe in the Vancouver area.
They also speak with local skaters to check some new moves.
Already a well-know local skater in Lyon, Daclin decided to produce equipment to suit the styles of his friends and fellow Lyonnais.
Robin Cousins choreographed the opening ceremony featuring 100 young local skaters and attended by Prince Edward.
A skatepark was opened in 2007 beside the local leisure centre, after a lengthy campaign began in the late 1980s by local skaters.