It was first mentioned in the early 17th century; then it consisted of four houses, two of which were burned down during a local revolt.
The Lord-Protector will think he is facing a local revolt.
Pedro's involvement changed the character of the uprising from a local revolt into a European War.
Facing local revolts and foreign invasions in both the East and West of the country, the most urgent government business was the war.
Music in the last century has had its own Middle East crisis, rife with foreign occupations and local revolts.
This course significantly weakened the army, leaving his successor, Awole, facing a number of local revolts.
Only a few of the small, local revolts were caused by Spanish landowners' attempts to seize Indian land.
If the local revolts were not caused by land grabs or class consciousness, what did precipitate them?
Popular violence had erupted in 1984, and it continued into early 1986 in an expanding sequence of local revolts.
He supported financially the local Greek revolt of 1878 against Ottoman rule.