But there seem to be limits to what local purveyors will do to turn a dollar.
Food is simple and fresh, sourced from the gardens and a list of local purveyors.
The next morning, the Bonhams added the meat - 30 pounds of mildly seasoned pork sausage, also from a local purveyor.
Many may be hard to find at your local purveyor, as Americans are stick-in-the-muds when it comes to wine.
Here, with help from local purveyors, is a look at what the highest-enders are consuming.
They have also opened accounts at two local purveyors of game.
The remembrance was a success - so great that my wife, her sister and I visited the local purveyor and made our arrangements to "pass."
Often, the buying systems in these large chains do not allow for purchases from smaller, local purveyors.
But all the media attention on local purveyors is just reminding some of them that they have not made the cut.
The bad news, as it turned out, was that neither were the local purveyors he encountered during his brief nocturnal drive.