The innkeeper had long ago sunk into hopeless debt to the local potentates.
However, real power was in the regional pátrias and in the hands of local potentates, called "colonels."
Basarab was the son of a local potentate called Thocomerius whose status cannot be specified.
Below the desavazhis were other local potentates called mukhyastans.
Although we did, I hope you will also note, manage to butter up the local potentate by hanging his name on the poor kid.
But she knew too well what would happen if she kept her mouth shut and bowed to the local potentates.
There's always that pressure - to donate to the local parties, hire the local potentates' daughters.
In contrast with his last visit, Mr. Clinton held no meetings with local potentates.
The hotel became a hub for timber-merchants as well as local potentates.
The local potentate was buried beneath the shelter, increasing the site's sacred power.