The promise of greater financing has persuaded some local pediatricians to start accepting new CHIP patients again.
In the film, Jesse recruits the local pediatrician as medical examiner; in the novel, the police department already employs a medical examiner.
The local pediatricians were not familiar with such obscure ailments.
A $3,500 donation from a local pediatrician covered start-up costs; donations to the Good Samaritan Project pay to keep it going.
With increasing frequency, parents have called the Connecticut Department of Public Health and their local pediatricians looking for answers.
"We even sent some notices to local pediatricians."
After a visit to his local pediatrician, he was quickly referred to Yale, where the leukemia diagnosis was made.
Ms. Boise said a local counseling service wanted a copy of her book, as did a local pediatrician.
In the film Jess recruits the local pediatrician for this position, and has him put down his dog because he doesn't like the local vet.
A local pediatrician stuffed envelopes, a first grade teacher did calligraphy, a computer consultant solicited merchants and a dentist gave tours after hours.