Some of the oldest inhabitants are able to speak in the local patois, an ancient language of the area.
It made me glad to be speaking a formal dialect, forcing more careful thought than I might have used in our local patois.
So was the local patois, for many mixed French into their conversations, or what they called French.
They therefore made use of the local patois.
Rick had always been quick to learn languages, but even he hadn't enough of the local patois to do more than buy groceries.
He was in country eight weeks or so, took the time to learn the local patois.
Probably, she thought in amusement, something that says "I am a wizard" in the local patois.
However, there are also number of creoles and local patois.
"I thought I'd sit this one out," he replied easily in B'rukkk, the local patois.
This time, the call woke me up hard, so I told the caller, in the local urban patois, to wake up herself.