However, the local pasha, Küçük Mehmet, intercepted these messages and reacted with fury, calling in reinforcements, confiscating weapons and arresting several prominent Cypriots.
There were also numerous complaints of British businessmen who were subject to duties levied on goods transshipped across the Ottoman Empire and arbitrary levies by local pashas.
He was greeted as a hero by the Muslims in Belgrade and treated like an equal by the local pasha.
In late 1802, he traveled to Akka, and negotiated a trade agreement with the local pasha.
The Greek Orthodox clergy convinced the local pasha to put pressure on the Franciscan monks that they should recognize the Patriarch at Constantinople as the head of the true, Christian faith.
Bakr had sought his recognition as the local pasha from the Porte, but the Sultan had ordered Hafız Ahmed Pasha, the governor of Diyarbakir, to intervene.
The local pasha, Küçük Mehmet, reacted with fury, calling in reinforcements, confiscating weapons and arresting several prominent Cypriots.
As the centuries passed, however, Ottoman rulers lost the capacity to command the loyalty of local pashas, which threatened stability in the region.
They want her for the harem of the local pasha, and she refuses.
Gordon spoke the Turkish language fluently, to the astonishment of local pashas, and this was of considerable value in negotiations.