In addition to surrendering land for Government-designated production, paying high taxes to the Dutch and "tithes" to local overlords, peasants were forbidden by law to move away from their hometowns.
As ermine is also a royal symbol, it symbolises the fact that in historical times the local overlords (jarls) and kings have resided in the village.
With the occupation of the Rhine's left bank by French Revolutionary troops in 1794, the Electorate of Trier, for centuries the local overlord, fell.
Areas impractical of full control were granted to magnates as "liberties" or "palatine counties", with seneschals appointed by the local overlord.
Before Jayavarman II came to power, there was much fighting among local overlords who ruled different parts of Cambodia.
With the Portuguese kings disputing the land with the local overlords, the southern area of Vila Veracin became a royal land, where a buffer municipality was established in 1308.
Here, as in most parts of the old Siegen district, the princely House of Nassau is named as the local overlords.
As of the 13th century, the historical record also shows Trier's ambition to wrest ascendancy over Villmar from the local overlords.
The tower stands for the old fortified city and the inescutcheon with the lion rampant, being Meißen's arms, recalls that in 1377 the Counts of Meißen became the local overlords.
Lig-magte is the local overlord.