But the campaign to promote the hotel as a cozy spot replete with Hudson Valley charm was overshadowed by the local outcry against the proposed conversion.
However, the instructor left by September 1835 because of local public outcry against teaching slaves.
After local outcry and legal action, the Park Service was able to return the lens to the lighthouse in 1992.
That Starbucks closed in May, despite local outcry.
Hundreds of immigrants started camping in squalid conditions in makeshift tents and condemned buildings in the area, prompting a local public outcry.
It has no professional football team, and there has been no full-throated local outcry for one.
This book provoked a local outcry upon its release in 2002 due to its somewhat brutal appraisal of country life.
A BUS firm's decision to scrap a service because it is unprofitable has sparked a local outcry.
Despite a local and national outcry, the paintings were whitewashed, and only rediscovered and restored in 1876-78.