The city derives its name from the bellefleur apple, which was grown in local orchards during the early 1900s.
To earn extra money, the whole family would go out on weekends picking pecans at local orchards.
Consider taking advantage of seasonal foods by visiting a local orchard or fruit festival.
These are special: small red-tinted beauties from local orchards.
A packaging industry thrived here for decades, and local orchards still thrive.
This rail line offers tourist rides and carries fruit from the local orchards.
He stayed, began hauling fruit for local orchards and branched out to chickens.
You could start from scratch, with a pick-your-own expedition to a local orchard.
The ditch was completed in the early 1900s and local orchards thrived.
A series of misfortunes hit the local orchards, and most businesses and many residents left the area.