Under it, the local oligarchies chose the state governors, who in turn selected the president.
In states like Argentina, the dismantling of local oligarchies caused by open markets has had a tremendous liberating effect.
You really think the UN are going to come out here and risk upsetting the local oligarchy for the sake of one double sleeving?
A local oligarchy ruled Novgorod; major government decisions were made by a town assembly, which also elected a prince as the city's military leader.
However, reforms implemented by Bosch alienated the American government and the local oligarchy, leading to a coup the following year.
The revolution in the early 20th century brought some belated reforms but failed to shake the solidarity of the corrupt local oligarchy.
This put him at odds with the local oligarchy.
Elsewhere provincial appointees had to contend with strong local oligarchies or leading families.
Land, controlled in large part by the local oligarchy, continued to be much in demand by moguereños, who purchased small tracts.
The people of Guatemala, like other peoples in Latin America, have been tragically tried by foreign intervention and exploitation by the local oligarchy.