As in Okinawa, female priests called noro exist, and the people worship according to the local religious norms.
These councils often impose fines on those who commit acts which are seen to transgress the local norms.
Particular characteristics of the land, local market and local agricultural norms influence the tools to be deployed in each case.
The argument could be made that in notoriously corrupt countries, the best thing to do is to adopt the local cultural norms.
Under Canon 1253, the local norms for fasting and abstinence are determined by each episcopal conference.
It is commonly assumed that British black children speak a variety of English indistinguishable from the local white norm.
To the contrary: anonymity and reduced self-awareness enhanced sensitivity to local norms.
No matter what the theories or the balance between international and local norms, there is one factor that overrides all others, the experts said - politics.
Such studies show the importance of local social norms, government policies and cultural situations.
They have satisfied neither international standards nor the local norms set by the government of Abuja.