But there were women in Philadelphia working their wits and their wiles for the patriot cause as well, most notably Lydia Darragh, a local mortician.
Dan Brock, a local mortician, had been the county coroner before Sara had taken the job.
Reggie, a family man and ice cream vendor, joins the brothers in their suspicions that the local mortician, dubbed the Tall Man, is responsible for the deaths.
Officials have told families there was no reason to come and that local morticians can handle the task.
Unser has the local mortician from season one remove Piney's body and bring it to the mortuary for an "after-hours" cremation.
Sonny, a corrupt local city council member and local mortician, proposes that they give Jack a salutation dinner.
In his first year as coroner, he was involved in a dispute with local morticians over delay in issuing death certificates.
Sarcophagus MacAbre: a buzzard and the local mortician.
"Out here in the boondocks--probably just a local mortician."
The local mortician, the local librarian, and the local beautician are also in the dead-letter file.