-then he decided that the wahines' clothing, being much like his men's, was against local mores.
In what can only be described as a sign of deep respect for local mores, he raised Boston's favorite finger.
What is essential is that the manager using recognition should understand the local mores.
Clearly, you've spent a good deal of time on your own, and so you may have forgotten local mores.
They didn't lecture, proselytize, or find fault with local mores.
The squash had been given, and must, according to local mores, be received.
She could advise Locard on a myriad of local legal mores associated with the earlier and the current investigations.
This being Minnesota, all the gee-whiz is consistent with local mores.
"Oh, Kadarin taught me a fair bit about the local cultural mores around here," he said.