Barbara Erickson was in the unemployment line here recently when someone told her that a local millionaire was giving money to help people start small businesses.
Freeman Linder, a local millionaire, has begged the police for protection from a man named Stiles.
Many a local millionaire would have given a fair slice of his ill-gotten gains for the privilege and honor of sitting at Lord Worth's table.
I knew it must be good because my neighbour turned out to be a local millionaire who brought his whole family along every week.
He said it was "to prevent a local millionaire from buying this election" by becoming a major supporter.
Two years ago, he prosecuted his first high-profile case, against Charles Garrison, a local self-made millionaire who was convicted of second-degree murder of his wife.
The local millionaires meet once a month at Mrs. DiBenedetto's house, and over coffee and cake they discuss "money, what else?"
Harry Lam, a local millionaire, was gunned down last Nov. 30 by a hit man, apparently from the mainland, as he finished his tea.
"We wanted to show how the county was in the 1950's and 1960's," said Mr. Bonfante, a local millionaire and former grocery store owner.
But someone pollutes the scenery by dumping the body of a woman, the wife of a local millionaire who is promptly charged with the murder.