According to the local joke, visitors were stopped at the city limits and checked for weapons.
The local joke is that Krakan's the only place on the planet that has any.
A local joke has it that if you see a black man on the street, he must play for the Packers.
The local joke is that it rains 13 months a year.
Unfortunately, they have become something of a local joke in the Miami area.
At the time Gomery made the suggestion, the idea of a new hotel was something of a local joke.
No wonder a local joke has it that the Suhartos have everything - except a sense of shame.
Or as an old local joke has it, Brazil is the country of the future--and always will be.
It has been a local joke for as long as anyone can remember.
"If only we had a little bit more food, it would be like wartime" went a local joke.