At the age of ten they 'go under the veil', to use the local idiom.
Christianity played a major role in the development of Icelandic music, with many hymns being written in the local idiom.
The speech is also peppered with local idioms, but by the end of the week my ear had adjusted.
On their behalf, therefore, and in the local idiom, allow me to advise you that Toronto really isn't too bad of a city at all.
He brought staff members along, and as his teachers became more proficient in the local idiom, some of them accompanied the manager as well.
Or, to use the local idiom, by the makers of "Happy Days."
It's hard to predict how the Internet will affect the local idiom.
The official national language is English, with heavy use with local idiom.
"Coming home" is a kind of local idiom for "agreeing on a fair price."
If only he knew the local idiom for "beggars can't be choosers."