That evening we decided to have a meal in the flat and then take a walk round some of the local hostelries.
I then went to one of the local hostelries where I met Lucy.
Things began to liven up when I met Lucy in the local hostelry.
We agreed therefore to conduct the interview in our local hostelry.
It was turning into yet another hot day, and Fen suggested they break their walk at a local hostelry.
A friendly and open collective, the group is well known for supporting local hostelries.
He was a heavy drinker and a well-known figure in the local hostelries.
However, as you would, both teams retired to a local hostelry and had a night of singing and dancing.
During the years when the port existed, two distinguished guests stayed in the local hostelries.
I wonder if you might tell us of a local hostelry where I can purchase a good dinner?