He believes he was eventually cured due to a local healer.
Someone is inside, presumably Rylla, the older of the two local healers.
Ever since we've lived here we've heard people speak of her as a kind of local healer.
While many mental health experts express interest in making alliances with local healers, there is no money to move in this direction.
As a result, many crude drugs were observed by the local healer or shaman to have some medical use.
Therefore, many people used to consult local healers.
Teresa is age 23, ill, and travelling to see a local healer.
The local healer was all for cutting off my leg right away, but the hole is still small and I didn't want to stop walking yet.
But the local healer wanted to amputate, and this other guy said he could take away the pain for a handful of silver.
Therefore, many of them used to consult local healers.