Regarded by some as the best massage on the island, Sima Massage is where the locals head when they need to nurse sports injuries or work out some stress.
I Map A simple family-run place, this is one of the few Florentine locations where locals head to satisfy their marine desires with genuine fresh fish and seafood.
During the sometimes stiflingly hot summer, things get pretty busy as locals head en masse for Crimea, the Black Sea Coast and the Carpathians.
In the port area/fishermen's quarter, this is a restaurant to which locals head - always a good sign, plus it's been going for more than 50 years.
E Map For a filling breakfast of bread and fool , do as the locals do and head here.
Most locals commute, heading off to railway stations 5 or more miles away.
Best Night Surfing When the moon's full, locals head to Waikiki's Kuhio Beach - you ride by gut, and into an altered state.
We found the traffic jams on the island horrendous, especially at weekends, when locals are heading to or from the beach.
Other more enterprising locals headed for the surrounding hills to guard their moonshine stills.
Eastbound locals head into the suburbs, such as Burnaby and New Westminster.