The door was carved wood on hinges, local handicrafts.
And, she had access to all the local handicrafts and gift shop junk she'd ever need.
Until 1949 Jiujiang had very little industry except for local handicrafts.
The men sought work in the quarries and local handicrafts.
This is the place to come to check out the full range of local handicrafts and souvenirs.
On the ground floor, there are local handicrafts and sweets for sale.
Pick up local handicrafts at a village market then camp overnight on the outskirts of Arusha.
The traditional Faroese national dress is also a local handicraft which people spend a lot of time, money and effort to assemble.
The market may be colorful, but it's also chaotic and not a great place to buy local handicrafts.
The local handicrafts are very traditional and varied.