Clustered around the hearth that evening after dinner, we read from a local guidebook, finding a picture and description of "our" chateau and its environs.
In a few cities, like Boston and San Francisco, good local guidebooks provide competition.
One local guidebook provided a no-frills description of the city: "Liepaja is the second most important city in Latvia from the cultural point of view."
Curiously, many local guidebooks do not mention this, perhaps because our British cousins so decisively lost the encounter.
Official tourism information put out by the government uses it, as do guidebooks, local and foreign, on Japan.
A local guidebook suggests one main dish and two forks.
She dug into her purse for a local guidebook she had acquired.
In recent years, Squamish has also become a major destination for bouldering, with over 2500 problems described in the local guidebook.
R Map Sells a surprisingly good stock of African literature and local guidebooks.
There was no plaque outside, no mention of any kind in any local guidebook of the building's non-Greek past.