A local gambler sees an opportunity to make some money by kidnapping Sach and preventing him from playing.
The locals casino catered to local gamblers.
The casino itself found a niche market among local gamblers and was a reliable earner.
By picking the winning derby entry, and laying even money with a local gambler, I won four hundred dollars.
Because the local gamblers didn't know your reputation I won six hundred bucks today on your hacks.
You mean he's been nabbed by some local gamblers!
In yet another flashback, the audience learns that Connolly was working for a local gambler named Lou Walsh.
In Nevada, bingo is offered mainly by casinos that cater to local gamblers, and not the famous tourist resorts.
Mike McCluskie, a local gambler from Ohio and sometime lawman, took him in.
Initially successful, this ethically shady activity was ultimately discovered and exposed by local gamblers puzzled by the brothers' uncanny success.