In the period up to the middle 1970s central government steadily increased its contribution to local expenditure.
In the last year of the Callaghan government the central contribution to local expenditure began to be cut.
Since that time central government has taken steps to reduce the proportion of local expenditure it funds.
So since 1979 the Conservatives have made a determined effort to curtail local expenditure.
Village trustees quickly approved a local expenditure of $10,000 to begin design work.
Central government has a duty to contain local public expenditure and to determine what are the limits to any individual council's spending.
Complete control in the Council over local expenditure.
The Government has intensified its control of local expenditure and local councils have strongly opposed the policy.
It is in this context that the debate about rating reform, and the controversy surrounding increased central control of local expenditure, should be seen.
First, education in state schools (the largest component of local expenditure) was moved from local to central government.