Turning in old newspapers not only saved space in the local dump, it preserved forests.
Under the regulations, he said, he is not even allowed to use his own trucks to take the refrigerators to the local dump.
Dude, I've totally figured out a way to scam the local dump.
Her mother once spent two futile days at her local dump looking for a bag containing baby pictures.
Some councils have also introduced charges of up to £20 for residents who take unwanted items to the local rubbish dump.
Last year, the family dispatched 2,500 battered bucks, does and fawns to a local dump.
Paradise is a reference to the local dump on Scotswood Road.
His first four years on the islands he lived in an abandoned logging camp, using furniture retrieved from a local dump.
Federal policy allows government cleanup funds to be used when a building is bulldozed and the remains are hauled off to the local dump.
Until recently, waste was taken to local rubbish dumps with little or no control as to where they were sited.