Pee-wee agrees and attends the premiere at his local drive-in.
And then for one stretch 'The Graduate' was actually playing on a double bill at a local drive-in, so we went to see it two or three times.
This is significantly different from previous years in the way that these events were hosted mostly by area restaurants and the local drive-in.
Originally, Brigg's film reviews were limited to pictures shown at local drive-ins.
At their last location, Cecil is shooting the final scene at a local drive-in while law enforcement are alerted.
Charlie and Viki have a date at the local drive-in.
Meanwhile, Shake has gone to Hollywood to make movies that seem destined for the back end of a double bill at the local drive-in.
After work, my friends and I piled into the back of a pickup and drove to the local drive-in.
They had circled the town a dozen times, had a burger and fries at a local drive-in, and debated whether or not to see a movie.
Terry drove to the local drive-in for a Coke and was startled to find it gone, a Serve-Yur-Self store in its place.