That September, he initiated a requirement for all air bases to draw up plans for local defence.
Three months earlier, Dulles had warned the world that 'local defence must be reinforced by the further deterrent of massive retaliatory power'.
The handbook represents a sincere attempt to put Oppenheimer's philosophy of local nuclear defence into practice.
Robertson argued for a local defence of Australia by land and air units.
A single 7.92 mm MG-34 machine gun for local defence was in a ball mount right hand side of the front glacis plate.
Out of season they helped build up local defences by filling sandbags.
The task of these new units was to provide local defence and communications on the landing beaches during the invasion of Europe.
Of course, as always, he'd have an excuse about a local defence volunteers' meeting or some such.
B1 remained at Portsmouth for local defence and training duties through 1916 before being paid off.
Those cloches are almost completely covered by concrete, with only a small hole through which grenades were launched for local defence.