Other local conservationists also supported the ban, though some residents continue to object.
A local conservationist told me of the time she took David Attenborough to dinner at the Pegasus.
Soon after our trip, I learned from local conservationists that they had shot the 17ft monster that killed the American girl.
A proposal in the 1950's to fill in the Great Swamp and built an airport that galvanized local conservationists.
Nature reserves were set up around new power stations to mollify local conservationists.
According to local conservationists in some areas, entire species had been wiped out by these ghastly contraptions.
The species' scientific name honours a local conservationist called Burhan.
In 1980, the work on reconstructing the breed was handed over to Serge Bey, a local conservationist.
Hydroelectric development in most rivers has been a serious concern for local conservationists during the last decades.
Many wild birds are scared off by the abundance of geese in the lake, and local conservationists actively take measures to control their numbers.