Three other people were also arrested in connection with the attack which happened on Christmas Eve and tourists and locals celebrated.
The new timing would also spoil another local tradition known as Black Friday, when locals celebrate their hard work on carnival in an alcoholic manner.
During the middle of October, locals celebrate Pumpkinfest, a local celebration of pumpkins.
This word can mean "brunch" or "morning pint", but in this case, it is a celebration in which the locals have breakfast and celebrate together.
Rooms are even more plentiful tonight through Sunday, as the early parades get under way, opening the 10-day parade season, and locals celebrate.
The locals have been celebrating here for weeks, long before their team even qualified for the Stanley Cup finals against the Devils.
So when the gatehouse collapsed in 1240, the locals celebrated the setback.
The view of the eclipsed sun over the statues was awe-inspiring and the locals celebrated with traditional dancing and drumming.
It is an anniversary the locals celebrate with reverence, emotion and pride.
In Okayama, Japan, the locals have parades and celebrate these creatures.