To save money the team management paid for the team members to stay at a local campground for the season.
In the summer months, local campgrounds remain full as the region has much to offer in peace and natural beauty.
A newly renovated swimming pool is also available for lessons or leisure swim located conveniently beside the local campground.
Within two hours of the announcement, Mom and the boys had the car loaded and were off to one of the local campgrounds.
There is also the local campground, Sleeper State Park.
One offer came from the mayor of Oakland, who offered a local campground.
The park is also a local campground, and is particularly popular with rv owners traveling through.
They tracked the two to a local campground where, in the fish hold of the boat, they discovered 468 red abalone.
Camping is available at local commercial campgrounds and free public National Forest campgrounds.
He wanted to see books or maps that identified local campgrounds.