But where there's a will a bet can't be far behind and the local bookmakers can be relied on to provide ante-post prices the day before.
The second was Purvis, the publican, owner of the chief beer-shop, and well known as the local bookmaker.
Millions of Americans are back in action again, breaking the law every week as they fill out their parlay cards and call or visit their local bookmakers.
Support your local bookmaker.
It is believed that these players also received twenty million đồng from local bookmakers to make sure that Vietnam does not win by more than one goal.
When a local bookmaker refused to pay out, Marlon decided to rob the bookies in revenge.
Peter then bought the local bookmaker's shop and moved in there, with Simon.
"And I lay a hundred on the ponies every morning with my friendly local bookmaker," Bolan added.
Similarly, just before polling day, local bookmakers were offering very good odds against an SDP victory.
Cathy Moriarty as Irene, a gift shop owner and local bookmaker.