The next most important area of tax increase, would be to tax income from local and state bonds for projects like industrial parks.
They are paying for the library with a $1.4 million, 20-year local bond.
So far, despite the talk of possible default, the local bond and stock markets have risen sharply in recent days.
With the passage of a local bond, several new schools, including an additional high school, will be constructed in coming years.
The money is expected to come from public sources through local bonds and state assistance.
Tax exclusions for local bonds valued at $12.4 billion.
This week he proposed legislation to require competitive bidding for local and county bonds, too.
During his term, legislation was constituted that subsidized local bonds for housing construction.
It was largely funded by local bonds and never enjoyed the success of the earlier railroads.
And "moving on" more successful tenants will weaken local bonds which badly need strengthening.