After ten days of continuous attacks, the local bandits were completely annihilated.
However, he has to contend with local bandits and a savage jaguar.
He comes into conflict with the chief of the local bandits, who threatens Catherine at her home.
Not to mention our local bandit out there?
In response, the communists launched a campaign to suppress these local bandits, an effort headed by the communist 132nd Division.
The local bandits had warned them all not to be seen asking us Soviets for help.
Davenport stayed behind however and, sometime during the late afternoon, a band of local bandits forced their way into Davenport's home.
After Gada had recruited eight companies of local bandits, the rebels even numbered more than 1000 fighters.
Albanian and local bandits began looting raids once again.
That winter the Communists drilled with the local bandits and the next year incorporated them into their regular army.