The pH level of water becomes more balanced due to the charging of local aquifers during the wet season.
This particular area also helps protect important recharge areas for the Geneva Bubble (local aquifer).
The area is of importance to migrating birds and is a recharge zone for local aquifers.
Part of the stream is diverted at Sunland into spreading grounds in order to recharge the local aquifer.
The 60-vehicle parking lot is permeable and allows water to slowly absorb in the ground, while recharging the local aquifer.
The recharged bore wells will ultimately improve the water table of the local aquifer.
The Gaza Agreement included in the transfer the responsibility for the management, development, and maintenance of the local aquifer.
Most of the water lost this way is stored underground which can change the original hydrology of local aquifers considerably.
Could they also be diverting other supplies illegally from local aquifers?
Much of the lost land was forested which has diminished the area's ability to replenish local aquifers.